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Eid Al- Fitr Celebratioon

On July 9, 2022, members of the NCMSW attended a memorable Eid celebration at the University of Windsor's St. Denis Centre to mark the conclusion of Ramadan. The day began with the traditional Eid prayer, bringing everyone together in a moment of spiritual unity. The celebration saw a vibrant turnout, with many members dressed in traditional attire, adding a colourful and festive touch to the occasion. The day was filled with joy, as attendees enjoyed a variety of delicious food and snacks. Beautiful moments were captured in numerous photos, making it a truly special day of celebration and community gathering. We also hosted an exciting Eid picnic on the next day that saw an even larger turnout. Some of our brothers skillfully manned the grill, serving up delicious barbecue, while our dedicated summer 2022 interns ensured a fun-filled day with organized activities for both parents and youth. It was a fantastic day of laughter, connection, and festive fun for everyone involved.


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