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"The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give charity and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah will have mercy upon them, for Allah is Almighty and Wise."

Surat al-Tawba 9:71

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Professional Growth Counselling

Get expert advice and guidance on your career journey with our comprehensive career counseling services.

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Faith & Knowledge

Deepen your understanding of Islam through our engaging study sessions and access to a rich collection of Islamic resources and content.


Bi-weekly Halaqa

Join us every second Sunday for our bi-weekly Halaqa gathering, featuring an enlightening lecture, prayer, and socializing. It also serves as a great opportunity to welcome new members and strengthen our community bonds.

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Navigating local amenities

Gain valuable information and tips on local amenities, making it easier to navigate and enjoy the offerings of Windsor.

What's New?

Get excited! We offer weekly lessons and educational content on all our social media platforms. Don't miss out on the fun, follow and engage with us to stay in the loop!

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